What methods are available to train your dog?
There are many training methods for dogs that work. Dogs are very smart, so even some of the least efficient methods will eventually work. Our goal is to use the most efficient and humane methods that get quick results. Training does not need to be harsh to get those results.
Methods of Training for Dogs
If you’re familiar with Operant Conditioning, you’ll recognize these terms: Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, Positive Punishment and Negative Punishment. These technical terms refer to different methods of training. Most dog trainers don’t truly understand these terms or the methods that are attached to each. Our dog training instructors are required to be versed in all methods of training. Each and every dog is an individual. Attempting to use the same methods for all dogs is akin to using diesel fuel in every motor – it doesn’t work. Matching the method of training to your dog is the single most important decision that must be made both on the onset of training and throughout the entire training process. We are able to assign the correct methods to your dog each time we work with them. This makes training more effective while reducing the amount of work required to accomplish your goals.
You and your training instructor will determine the best course of action to best eliminate any problematic behavior.
Want to learn more about training terms? Check out our Blog Post Series:
- Positive Reinforcement – Let’s Learn Training Terms: Positive Reinforcement
- Positive Punishment – Let’s Learn Training Terms: Positive Punishment
- Negative Reinforcement – Let’s Learn Training Terms: Negative Reinforcement
- Negative Punishment – Let’s Learn Training Terms: Negative Punishment