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Flea and Tick Season is coming!

Hopefully, you already know that you should have some sort of flea and tick treatment for your dog.  Especially if you live in an area prone to outbreaks. Pest prevention is key in South Carolina, where fleas and ticks are common.  There are several options out there, but they can boil down to two types: oral and topical.  Now, two oral products are offering new options.

Bravecto (Merk Animal Health)- made with the active substance fluralaner.  It has received the approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as the first chewable table that can kill fleas and ticks on dog for up to 12 weeks with a single dose.

Nexguard (Merial) – made with the active ingredient afoxolaner.  It is touted as the first monthly, beef-flavored chewable flea and tick treatment. The ingredients are part of a new class of an anti-parasitic chemical that kills the fleas and ticks by disrupting nerve transmission.  Check with your vet to get a prescription if you feel you want to try and switch 🙂

Related: How to Prevent Lyme Disease In Your Dog

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